AVMGMUSIC is a private company owned by Daniel Azure, which is a distribution and music publishing operation that has a digital channel that extends out to global territories across the entire EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa), including North America and Canada.
We specifically market and provide quality acts and new talent that align with the AVMGMUSIC code of practice and the high entertainment standards expected by its valued private members and media industry executives from around the world. We now offer and provide a direct channel to display music and content via live streaming, podcasts, online downloads, and terrestrial broadcasts of exclusive events and live performances of some of the acts and recording artists who come through the doors of AVMGMUSIC, offering both national (U.K.) and international creative solutions that work very well in today’s fast-moving entertainment and online market.
We are currently discussing with various music publishers and TV broadcasters how to administer our newly developed catalog of copyrights for music writers and composers. As the publishing division of AVMGMUSIC, we concentrate on the areas of film, TV, advertising, music video, and the digital gaming industry, providing as many new opportunities as possible to writers via synchronization, licensing, and production deals.